Silvers giftverkan ofta misstolkad
Vi har fått höra att silver som läcker ut från textilier via tvättar ger stora risker för miljöeffekter. Jag ska här försöka förklara varför det inte är särskilt troligt.
Stor skillnad i giftverkan mellan silverjoner och övriga silverformer.
Varför hävdar t.ex KemI ändå att silverbiocider är så giftiga?
Silver is a rare metal present at concentrations averaging 50 ppb in the upper continental crust, 100-
1,000 ppb in soil, and 0.002-0.03 ppb in freshwater environments. Localities exceeding these silver
concentrations tend to be a result of anthropogenic releases, with exceptionally high sources from
photographic industries, urban refuse combustion, and sewage treatment. Silver toxicity varies
widely amongst different organisms and silver speciation. Many gilled aquatic organisms have been
found to be highly sensitive to the free silver ion (Ag+).
Water quality parameters present in the environment such as Cl-, Ca+, pH, particulates/colloids,
dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and sulfur-bearing species impact the equilibrium concentration of
the silver ion and its biological uptake. Equilibrium concentrations of the silver ion are extremely
difficult to measure in the aquatic environment. Numerical models have been used to estimate
concentrations in place of real-time measurements. Equilibrium concentrations of the silver ion are
highly dependent on aquatic chemistry and the presence of suspended solids such as colloids.
The free silver ion (Ag+) is extremely toxic in aquatic environments. The most sensitive species that
experience lethal effects (LC50-96 hr) in waters amended with the free silver ion are the following:
fathead minnows (5.3 ppb), juvenile rainbow trout (4.8 ppb), daphnids (5.0 ppb), and amphipods
(1.9 ppb). Juvenile fish tend to experience toxic effects at lower concentrations than their adult
counterpart. Free silver ion concentrations are fungicidal and bactericidal at 10 ppb. Algae have
bioconcentration factors up to 2.1 x 106. Some species of algae experience a unique toxic response to
both forms of dissolved silver; the free ion and complexed state. However, there is no evidence of a
direct correlation between the amount of accumulated silver within an organism and toxicity.
The free silver ion is much less toxic to humans and terrestrial species relative to species in aquatic
environments. Humans can ingest 10 grams of total recoverable silver in a lifetime without
experiencing toxic effects or precursors to toxic effects. In excess of 10 grams the risk of developing
argyria, a grey discoloration of the skin, increases. Data are sparse on silver ion toxicity to terrestrial
animals; most studies examine the effects of the less toxic, insoluble silver species. The most sensitive
animal to the free silver ion found were rats. Rats given water amended with soluble silver
experienced sluggishness at 95 ppb after 125 days. Germinating plants experience toxic effects from
the free silver ion at 750 ppb. Adult plants have a higher resilience to silver. Toxic silver
concentrations in plants range from 14,000-120,000 ppb in soils amended with insoluble silver.
Water quality standards vary at the global, country, and local scales. Aquatic environment guidelines
range from 0.05 ppb of the free silver ion and up to 3.4 ppb of total recoverable silver. The EPA and
state governments typically assess silver toxicity as a function of hardness. Critical assessments of
EPA standards highlight that more impactful variables on silver toxicity exist, such as DOC and
chloride. The New South Wales (Australia) EPA set toxicity guidelines as a function of the free silver
ion. There is little variability in drinking water standards. Standards set by the World Health
Organization (WHO), EPA, and most state governments are fixed at 100 ppb of total recoverable
Silver iodide (AgI) is an insoluble salt used in cloud seeding. AgI is present at trace concentrations in
seeded snow and adjacent waterbodies (0.001 – 0.05 ppb) and does not dissociate readily in water
(Ksp = 9.2 x 10-9 M). As a worst case scenario, AgI as an infinite solid species in solution, with unlimited
time to react, assuming Ag+ does not sorb/precipitate/complex, a solution of 0.984 ppb of the free
silver ion would result. This concentration is below every U.S. silver toxicity guideline.
AgI primarily accumulates in the upper soil horizon or streambed sediments in solid form. Bioavailability depends
on the bonding of the soluble silver fraction to the sediments and organics present. Environmental
assessments of cloud seeding operations have found no detectable increase in total silver
concentrations above background levels in soil, streams, or aquatic species in seeded areas. Likewise,
there is currently no evidence supporting adverse effects to wildlife in natural settings. Using the
worst case scenario, assuming 100% of the snowpack is seeded with AgI, all snow has 0.05 ppb silver,
100% of the AgI dissolves, and the dissolved fraction does not bind to any water constituents. This
scenario would still result in free silver ion concentrations at least one order of magnitude lower than
LC50-96hr concentrations (acute toxicity) to known sensitive freshwater species.
Gorsuch JW & Purcell TW 1999. Eight years of silver research: What have we learned and how may it
influence silver regulation? SETAC News 19(4), 19–21.
CCREM 1987. Canadian water quality guidelines. Canadian Council of Resource and Environment
Ministers, Ontario.
Ratte, H.T. (1999), Bioaccumulation and toxicity of silver compounds: A review. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 18: 89-108.